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Time Management
Setting priorities and managing time effectively is basic to managing individual and organizational performance. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, pay attention to the competition, respond quickly to customer needs, and enjoy life outside of work is even more intense in today's less structured, information-driven workplace. 
Meeting the daily challenge of managing professional and personal responsibilities requires a learning strategy designed to meet individual needs.
Time Mastery Profile®

The Time Mastery Profile® is a unique tool that provides people with a complete, self-directed assessment of their current time management effectiveness. Learners then use the built-in workbook as a frame work to develop customized strategies for skills improvement in twelve key areas:
Attitudes Goals Priorities
Analyzing Planning Scheduling
Interruptions Meetings Written Communications
Delegation Procrastination Team Time

The Time Mastery Profile® also helps people to more effectively use planners, calendars, PDA's, and other time-management tools to accomplish more and find greater balance in their daily lives.      

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