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About Us

St. Clair & Associates
is an organizational consulting enterprise established to provide consulting support to governmental and commercial agencies.  Our requirement and promise is to conduct every consulting assignment in accordance with the business traits of professionalism, integrity, competence, reliability and dependability.   
St. Clair & Associates helps employers confront and conquer the challenges all businesses encounter at one time or another.  These include issues such as absenteeism and tardiness, employee turnover, ineffective training, low employee motivation and morale, employee theft and low productivity.
We have the tools to overcome many of the “people problems” that effect an organization's bottom line.

We show companies how to save millions of dollars by reducing turnover, training expenses and lost business.  
We use the information gained in Profiles Assessments and workshops 
to help companies improve their people practices.

Guiding Principles and Committed Goals

We take pride in working closely with our client to ensure
the completeness and accuracy of the effort.

Our approach to implementing long lasting solutions starts by:
Identifying the end-result you are aiming to achieve
Identifying a baseline of current performance
Determining the gap between current performance and the desired end-result
Identifying what skills are need to achieve the end-result
Identifying the roadblocks to success and learning how to overcome them
Developing cost-effective, tailor-made programs to equip people with the critical skills needed to achieve     
the identified goals
Develop meaningful critical success factors – “How will you know if the training is successful?”
Develop a plan to keep the training fresh  

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